移投界讯:To work in China, foreigners must obtain a Work Permit for Foreigners and a Residence Permit for Work. The former is issued by the Bureau of Foreign Experts (now gradually replaced by the Science and Technology Bureau) and the latter is issued by the Immigration Bureau. If a foreigner is employed without the relevant employment procedures, he or she will be deemed to be "illegal" and the foreign employee will be punished as an illegal employee and the employer as an illegal worker respectively.
外国人在华就业必须获得《外国人来华工作许可证》和工作类居留许可证。前者由外国专家局(现在逐步由科技局取代)颁发、后者由出入境签发。 如未办理相关就业手续就业,则将被视力为“非法”,外籍员工按非法就业、用人单位按非法用工分别予以处罚。
There are several special cases that need to be clarified as follows.
A valid Employment Permit for Foreigners can replace the Permit for Foreigners to Work in China.
Foreigners who have been approved by the Ministry of Culture to conduct commercial cultural performances with a Temporary Business Performance Permit are not required to apply for a Permit for Foreigners to Work in China.
Foreigners working in foreign embassies or consulates are not required to apply for a Permit for Foreigners to Work in China.
Foreign labourers who are engaged in offshore oil operations without landing and who have special skills and who hold the "Permit for Foreigners to Engage in Offshore Oil Operations in the People's Republic of China" are not required to apply for the "Permit for Foreigners to Work in China".
The following are some of the common mistakes made by applicants during the actual process.
Only a Work Permit for Foreigners has been applied for, but not a Work Permit as required
This usually happens when the applicant is already in the country with a long term residence permit, for example, a 2 or 5 year reunion permit, and after obtaining a Work Permit for Foreigners, he or she does not have the pressure of a visa expiry and is busy at work, so he or she delays for half a year before thinking about it. There are also some people who feel that the 5-year reunion permit in their hands is better than the 1-year work permit and are reluctant to exchange it for a short-term one, thinking that it is a residence permit anyway and that they have obtained a Work Permit for Foreigners in China, so it does not matter whether they exchange it or not.
通常发生在申请人已持有长期居留许可在境内,譬如:2年或5年的团聚类居留许可,在获得《外国人来华工作许可证》之后,因为没有签证到期的 压力,加之工作繁忙,一拖大半年才想起来。 另外,还有些人觉得手里的5年团聚居留许可比1年的工作类居留许可香,不愿意去换短期的,觉得反正都是居留许可,自己也获得了《外国人来华工作许可证》,换不换居留许可无所谓。
Only a work permit has been issued, but not a permit for foreigners to come and work in China
Others have entered the country on a work visa and have applied for a work class residence permit, without the pressure of the expiry of their visa. Coupled with their unfamiliarity with the policy, they do not continue to apply for a Work Permit for Foreigners in China as required, and do not wake up until they are told to show their work permit when they renew their work residence permit.
IMPORTANT: If you do not meet the exemption criteria, you must obtain a Work Permit for Foreigners in China and a Work Class Residence Permit before you are legally employed; lacking either permit, you will be considered illegal!
Holding two certificates from company A and working in company B
Unlike Chinese employees, foreigners are not allowed to be dispatched and applicants with a 'tax commitment' are not even allowed to have their personal tax paid by a professional third party service company, but must be paid in the employer's own name.
There are many reasons for this, such as: company B is not qualified to recruit (e.g. school certificate) and has to go through company A, which is qualified, to recruit the foreign employee; or company AB is highly connected, with the idea that they are all "family" anyway, etc.
Work permit from company A, but with a work permit issued for employment at company B
譬如,某外籍员工在B公司离职跳槽去了A公司, A公司帮其办理了《外国人来华工作许可证》,但B公司当年给办的是五年的工作类居留许可证,而A单位只能申请到1年的工作类居留许可,不愿意长改短。还碰巧该外籍员工官位又比较高,下面人事又不了解相关政策,心想不换就不换吧,反正有就行了,你是老大你说了算。
Important note: According to the relevant government regulations, foreign workers must be employed in whichever employer they apply for employment, and both certificates must be issued in the name of the employer, otherwise they are also considered "illegal" and the parties concerned will be punished for illegal employment and illegal use of labour.
Employment with an uncancelled domestic ID card
A person who once held Chinese nationality and entered China with a foreign passport and a long-term visa (e.g. 10 years to visit relatives for 180 days at a time) is still employed in China with a domestic identity card because he has not cancelled his household registration and identity card. China does not recognise dual nationality and such cases, if found, are also destined to be punished.
In fact, a significant number of applicants are aware that their actions are not in compliance, but for various reasons such as wanting to retain their Chinese domicile (which may involve buying a house) or the hassle of returning to their country of nationality to produce a clean bill of health. But this is basically holding a ticking time bomb that will be detonated at some point and leave a trail of chicken feathers in its wake.
Important note: China does not recognise dual nationality. Those who enter China with foreign passports and visas and are still employed with uncancelled identity cards will also be considered "illegal" and will be punished for illegal employment and illegal use of labour.
Employment or "part-time work" in China on a study, tourist or business visa
This group of people is basically intentional, holding the fluke mentality of being able to mix for a day, anyway, caught up to a maximum fine of some money, stock cash 10 billion, a fine of 100,000 yuan account who will be calculated, nothing much to say.
We have encountered foreign employees who have been blacklisted by the Foreign Affairs Bureau for illegal employment. Not only can the foreign employee no longer apply to work in China nationwide, but the employer is also disqualified from employing any more foreigners as a result.
Important note: Blacklisted foreign workers and organisations will no longer be able to apply for a Work Permit for Foreigners in China and will be blocked nationwide, as there is only one system for working in China.
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