Because of the spread of Newcastle Pneumonia around the world, policies on the management and control of people entering and leaving the country have been tightened and controlled between countries. Since March 28,the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the State Immigration Bureau have issued an announcement suspending the entry of foreigners with valid Chinese visas and residence permits, but no new policies or adjustments to control measures have been introduced. Coupled with the impact on major airlines and the airline industry, a large number of foreigners have remained in China, many of whom were Chinese returning to China for family reunions before the outbreak.On March 1, the State Administration of Migration announced that during the epidemic, foreigners in China can automatically extend their period of stay for two months without having to go through the extension procedure.
SFBC has recently received a number of enquiries about how to extend visas in China, how to cancel their domestic registration and whether it is possible to do so without cancelling it.
According to Article 3 of the Nationality Law of the People's Republic of China: The People's Republic of China does not recognize Chinese citizens as having dual nationality. Article 9: A Chinese citizen who has settled in a foreign country and voluntarily joins or acquires a foreign nationality automatically loses his or her Chinese nationality. Therefore, Chinese nationals who have already acquired foreign nationality and wish to apply for visa extensions etc. within the country must cancel their Chinese household registration before they can apply for foreigner visas, stay documents and residence permits and, if necessary, submit a certificate of cancellation of their household registration issued by the relevant police station.
Below SFBC gives you a brief introduction to the method and process of deregistration.
Application requirements
A Chinese citizen who has one of the following conditions may, upon application, be granted permission to withdraw from Chinese nationality.
I close relatives of foreigners
II settled in a foreign country
III There are other valid reasons.
How to apply
The application shall be made by the person himself/herself at the Exit-Entry Administration of the Municipal Public Security Bureau; for minors, the application shall be made by the father (mother) at the Exit-Entry Administration of the Municipal Public Security Bureau; if the parents are divorced, the legal guardian of the child shall be present at the application.
由本人到市公安局出入境管理局申请;属未成年人的,须由父(母)到市公安局出入境管理局申请; 如父母离异的,须由小孩的法定监护人到场申请。
Application Materials申请材料
I Written Application
II resident identity card of the People's Republic of China, and a copy of the passport if the applicant has a Chinese passport
二、中华人民共和国居民身份证,有中国护照的还需提交护照复印件;III If the applicant is married to a foreigner or has been granted permanent residence status abroad, he/she must submit a marriage certificate or a certificate of permanent residence status abroad (a copy).
三、申请人已和外国人结婚或在国外已获永久居留资格的,提交结婚证明或国外永久居留资格证明(复印件)。IV If a child born in a mixed family applies for withdrawal of Chinese nationality, he or she must submit his or her birth certificate, a certificate of marriage between the parents, identity documents of both parents and a copy of the foreign settlement certificate of the Chinese father (or mother).
四、中外混生儿童申请退出中国国籍,须提交本人出生证明,父母结婚证明、父母双方身份证件和中国籍父(或母)亲的国外定居证明复印件。V If a child of Chinese nationality adopted by a foreigner applies for withdrawal of Chinese nationality, he or she must submit a notary certificate of adoption and copies of the identity documents of both or one of the adoptive parents.
五、被外国人领养的中国籍儿童申请退出中国国籍,须提交领养公证书和养父母双方或一方身份证件复印件。VI Submit other documents that the receiving authority considers relevant to the application for withdrawal of Chinese nationality.
六、提交受理机关认为与申请退出中国国籍有关的其他材料。VII Fill in the "Application for Withdrawal of Nationality of the People's Republic of China" and submit four small two-inch frontal, half-length, bareheaded recent photographs, or a joint photograph if there are children accompanying the applicant.
VIII Any other documents deemed necessary by the immigration department.
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