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时间:2021-04-17 16:59:49来源:上海外事商务咨询中心阅读:3442

After leaving China through immigration, Chinese overseas Chinese visit their relatives,return to China for business, etc., and inevitably return to China every year, or even return to live in China for a few months each year. However, the visa period is relatively short, and the inconvenience of returning to China without an identity card, so many overseas Chinese are looking forward to getting a permanent residence card in China as soon as possible.


China provides avenues for Chinese expatriates to apply for permanent residence


In early 2016, China expanded the types of applications for family reunification,reduced the length of stay requirement, and provided a channel for foreign Chinese who have lived in China for a long time and had Chinese nationality to apply for permanent residence. The Chinese Permanent Resident Card has been upgraded to an "identity card",which is based on the technical standards of the Chinese Resident Identity Card, embedded with a chip, and can be read by ID card readers.


At the same time, many places in China have introduced new entry and exit regulations and set up "exclusive" provisions for foreign Chinese to facilitate their family visits, business,scientific, educational, cultural and health exchanges and other personal matters


China Permanent Residence Card Application Policy Answers


Q:My child has been born abroad for more than 20 years, but as a foreigner, he or she has no status in China. Can the child apply for a permanent residence card as a Chinese national who has been in the country for a long time?

Q:孩子在国外出生至今二十年有余,作为外国人在国内一直没有身份。想请问孩子作为长期在国内的华裔能否申请永居卡?A:According to the Administrative Measures for the Approval of Foreigners’Permanent Residence in China (issued in 2004), any foreigner who meets the requirements can apply for permanent residence status in China. There are clear provisions on "unmarried children under the age of 18 who join their parents", but according to your description, your child should have already reached the age of majority and missed the opportunity to apply.


You can check the other conditions listed in the Administrative Measures for the Approval of Permanent Residence of Foreigners in China and consult the local public security immigration authorities.

您可以根据《外国人在中国永久居留审批管理办法》所列的其他条件进行查询,并可以咨询所在地的公安出入境管理机构。Q:Is it possible to apply for a permanent residence card after having returned to China on a Q1 visa and having settled there for three years? How do l apply? Do l have to wait for another two years?

Q:Q1签证回国并已定居有三年了,想申请永居卡可以吗?怎样申请?是否要再等两年?A:According to the Administrative Measures for the Approval of Foreigners’Permanent Residence in China (issued in 2004), any foreigner who meets the requirements can apply for permanent residence status in China.


The application requirements are "if the spouse of a Chinese citizen or a foreigner who has obtained permanent residence status in China, has been married for five years, has resided in China for five consecutive years, has stayed in China for at least nine months per year and has a stable livelihood and residence".


To apply for permanent residence status,SFBC suggests that you can submit your application to the public security authorities at the municipality level, or to the public security branch or county bureau of the municipality directly under the Central Government,and submit the required application documents,which will be examined by the public security department or bureau of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government and then approved by the Ministry of Public Security. In your case, you will need to stay for a further two years before you are eligible to apply for permanent residence status.

申请永久居留资格,SFBC建议可以向设区的市级公安机关,直辖市公安分、县局提出,按要求提交申请材料,经省、自治区、直辖市公安厅、局审核后,由公安部审批。根据您的情况,还需要继续居留两年才符合申请永久居留资格的条件。Q:I was born abroad and am of Chinese descent, but I have been in China since birth and have been in a continuous visa status since I was a child. After graduating from university, the status issue has posed a big obstacle to employment and daily residence,I would like to ask if there is a permanent residence card policy for ethnic Chinese in this situation?

Q:在国外出生,身份上属于华裔,但出生后一直在国内,从小到大都在持续办签证状态中,大学毕业后因为身份问题给就业日常居留带来很大障碍,想问一下对于这种情况的华裔有没有针对的永居卡政策?A:According to the Administrative Measures for the Approval of Foreigners' Permanent Residence in China (issued in 2004), any foreigner who meets the requirements can apply for permanent residence status in China. You can check the conditions listed in the Administrative Measures for the Approval of Permanent Residence of Foreigners in China and consult the local public security immigration authorities.


In addition, starting from 2016, the Ministry of Public Security has implemented pilot entry and exit policies in Beijing Zhongguancun, Guangdong Free Trade Zone, Shanghai Free Trade Zone, Shanghai Zhangjiang National Independent Innovation Demonstration Zone, as well as Tianjin, Liaoning, Zhejiang, Henan, Hubei, Chongqing, Sichuan and Shaanxi Free Trade Zones. For foreign Chinese with a doctoral degree or above, or who have worked continuously for four years in an establishment within the above-mentioned zones and have been in China for For foreign Chinese with a doctoral degree or above, or who have worked continuously for four years in an organization in the above-mentioned regions and have actually stayed in China for at least six months each year, they can apply for permanent residence in China.

另外,从2016年开始,公安部在北京中关村、广东自贸区、上海自贸区、上海张江国家自主创新示范区以及天津、辽宁、浙江、河南、湖北、重庆、四川、陕西自贸区等地实施出入境政策试点,对于外籍华人具有博士研究生以上学历的,或者在上述地区内的单位连续工作满4年、每年在中国境内实际居留累计不少于6个月的,可以申请在华永久居留。Q:Can a foreign Chinese who has set up a Sino-foreign joint venture in Xiamen for five years apply for a permanent residence card? How do I apply?

Q:外籍华人在厦门开办中外合资企业已五年,可以申请永居卡吗?怎么申请?A:According to the Administrative Measures for the Approval of Foreigners' Permanent Residence in China (issued in 2004), any foreigner who meets the requirements can apply for permanent residence status in China. The requirements for the investment category are: direct investment in China, stable investment for three consecutive years and good tax records.


As an investor in Xiamen, the actual amount of registered capital paid in for investment meets one of the following amount requirements:


(1) An investment of a total of US $500,000 in industries encouraged by the catalogue for the Guidance of Foreign Investment Industries promulgated by the State.


(2) Investing a combined total of US $1 million or more in central China.


(3) Investment in China totalling at least US $2 million. If you meet the above criteria and need to apply for permanent residence, you can apply to the Xiamen Public Security Bureau and submit the application documents as required, which will be examined by the Fujian Provincial Public Security Bureau and approved by the Ministry of Public Security.

(3)在中国投资合计200万美元以上。符合以上条件需要申请永久居留资格,您可以向厦门市公安局提出,按要求提交申请材料,经福建省公安厅审核后,由公安部审批。Q:What are the policies and plans of the national authorities regarding the "Chinese Card"?

Q:有关“华裔卡”,请问国家有关部门在这方面有哪些政策和规划?A:At present, there is no institutional arrangement similar to the "Chinese Card". According to the relevant Chinese laws, foreigners (including foreign Chinese) must have a valid passport or other international travel document as well as a legal document such as a visa, stay or residence permit issued by the Chinese authorities to enter, leave or stay in China.


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